
Bumper Car Decorated Sugar Cookies (Tutorial)

In keeping with the summer amusement park theme, I just HAD to make a bumper car. 
I'd say this is probably one of my favorite rides as I was growing up.
The wait line was always long and the actual time in the cars was always too short. ;)
Great memories.....

Cut off the bottom 1/5 of a long fat oval cookie to make a nice flat surface for the bottom of the bumper car. I used these oval cutters. 
Insert a sturdy straw into the back top of the car to leave a hole that you can later fill with a decorative straw. (see photos below)

Once the cookie is baked and cooled, outline and flood the bottom "bumper" with grey glaze as shown below. Next outline and flood the actual car in whatever color glaze you'd like.
After the car has dried for approximately 30 minutes, add details like a headlight, steering wheel, and seat back.

Dry overnight.

If desired, make a mixture of silver dust & alcohol (or clear extract, i.e. almond) and paint the grey portions of the car to give a shiny finish. (I'm sorry I forgot to get a photo of this step.)

Poke a decorative straw into the created hole at the back of the car and bend the top of the straw, as seen below.

Let the bumpy ride begin!


Cotton Candy Decorated Cookies (Tutorial)

Cotton's one of those things that doesn't feel real. You can see it and you can taste it, but it is like eating air....sweet air, that is. 😊

And yet, the memories it brings back are delightful.

I handcut these cookies, but I found a similar shaped cutter to recreate the cookies in this post.

Outline and flood the "cone" of the cookie with white glaze.
Outline and flood the remainder of the cookies with pink glaze. (see photo below)

Allow the icing to dry for about 15-30 minutes and then add detail lines. (see photo below)

After the cookie has dried overnight, combine super pearl dust with some alcohol (or clear extract; i.e. almond) and paint the pink part of the cookie to give it a "feather-y" look.

Now that is cotton candy with some substance. haha


Neon Sign Styled Amusement Park Decorated Cookie Collection

After stumbling upon the idea of doing neon sign styled cookies back when I did a coffee shop cookie set, I can't get enough of it.

Here's a tutorial on neon sign styled cookies.

I just HAD to make a fun set in a summer-y amusement park theme. :)


Painted United States Flag Decorated Cookies (Tutorial)

On this Memorial Day it seems appropriate to create some US flag cookies to commemorate those who have given all for our freedom. 
This tutorial was created with much gratitude to those who serve our country.

These cookies are relatively easy to execute in that it only requires white glaze to be flooded on the cookie before using dusts to paint on the details.

Outline and flood rectangle shaped cookies with white glaze. 

Allow the cookies to dry overnight before moving to the next step.

Prepare some red and blue "paints" by mixing Red Rose and Royal Blue dusts with small amounts of vodka (or clear extract, i.e. almond extract).
Using a paint brush, create the blue background in the upper left corner of the cookie, and then the red stripes over the rest of it. (see photo below)
Neatness is not required since this design is intended to be whimsical.

Allow the "paint" to dry for an hour or two.
Pipe some white dots over the blue background to represent stars. After they have dried for about 30 minutes, smash them down with a clean finger to give a more whimsical appearance.

Stars and Stripes Forever!

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