Look Out.......I've got lots to share :-)

I thought it interesting that my last post was entitled "Nothing much New". Hee hee.....I'll make up for it today. I have plans for three different posts today. ;-)

I've been a busy worker bee the last couple of weeks. I've gotten lots and lots of orders for Easter cookies plus tried to keep up with the demand from those that will buy the cookies ready made. I'm tired.......but full of joy. :-)

My total for "Cookies With A Mission" is around $560 so far!!!! And I still have more orders to deliver and collect.....so I should be well over $600 by Easter Day. I'm ecstatic that God would show such favor to this effort.

Monday I lived up to my name of "cookie crazie" by doing a double batch of cookies. MISTAKE! I was nearly in tears that evening after spending the entire day working on 120 cookies after having done some housecleaning in the morning. However, I got the job done and was able to deliver all my orders on Wednesday evening......which was pure joy.

Here's what my huge three-sided breakfast bar looked like after Monday's decorating marathon.

And here's some of my experiments from that day.
I tried to do some stitched eggs, but wasn't extremely happy with these.

Then I decorated some with Sweet Annie's icing on top and liked them much better.

Here's my favorite three eggs.
And a specific pic of this "purty" pink one. :-)

Here's an assortment of all the kinds I've done previously. I've been tweaking all of them and I believe I'm improving over time.

I did three bouquets on Wednesday. Shew......it is hard work to put together a cookie bouquet. The recipents were happy with them.....so that is what counts.

So......this was the first part of the week. Stay tuned, I'm going to do two more posts shortly.
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