Changes for 2020

Happy New Year everyone!

I just wanted to take a moment to let all of you know that things will be changing at CookieCrazie……in particular with CookieCrazie Academy Online classes.

As most of you already know, I’ve been undergoing treatment for triple negative breast cancer, but recently the cancer spread to my lymph nodes. That has changed a lot of things. Every conventional doctor I’ve visited recently paints a rather depressing future. Of course, I hope to conquer this and live many more years...... but I think it’s important to be wise and prudent in my upcoming plans.

Originally, when I set out to create income on it was to support Ukraine Christian missions.But that door has closed and so, I no longer have reason to make money for that cause. I love creating online classes, but it is labor intensive and it generates quite a few online costs. And it seems best to fade classes out now to make the transition smoother if my health were to take a turn for the worse.

SO…February will be the last month to be a subscriber with CookieCrazie Academy.

This is just a heads up so that if there are any classes you’ve been meaning to is the time to subscribe. :) The January 2020 class (Valentines Day Cookies) goes live Monday (Jan 6) and then the February 2020 class (Coffee Shop Cookies) goes live at the beginning of February. But there are currently 26 (TWENTY SIX!) classes available to watch as much as you’d like if you subscribe.

I truly appreciate each one of you and value your support so much. My heart breaks to have to do this, but I really feel like it is the path I should take.

May 2020 be filled with lots & lots of blessings for all of you.


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