Cookies With A Mission :-)

Guess what? I'm going on a Christian mission trip to the Ukraine (possible two of in July and then one in November)! I'm so excited and scared out of my wit all at the same time. :o)

Last week, I felt like God was opening up the door for me to sell my cookies for donations to the Ukraine mission trip effort. (We all have to come up with $1500 to $2000 for our flights and expenses.) This last Sunday, I had the opportunity to offer them at my church. As you can see, that is me at the "Cookies With A Mission" table in our church lobby. :-) I was able to sell several individually wrapped cookies and two of those bouquets and acquired $117 for the mission effort!!!! I was so excited that they went over so well.

Here's the three cookie bouquets I offered at the table:

I've also received several advanced orders for Easter, Mother's Day, etc. Things are going to be hoppin' around here. :-))))) I'll get lots of good practice in these coming weeks.
If anyone is interested in purchasing my cookies with all proceeds going to the Ukraine mission effort, send me an email and we'll talk. (
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