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About Me

Welcome to CookieCrazie!
I'm Pam and I'm CRAZIE about decorating cookies. :)
I've been married to Allan for over 30 years and we have five young adult children.
I love Jesus and am so thankful to be following Him with all my heart.
I've loved to bake since I was a little girl.
I remember decorating cookies with my dad and sisters every Christmas.
I wanted to pass on that tradition with my kids, so we decorated sugar cookies every Christmas.
Several years ago, I got started in my insanity (haha) of wanting
to make cookies for each season and holiday.
The internet opened my world to so many great decorators and challenged me to improve my skills.
I found I loved corn syrup glaze icing over royal icing....and became determined
to make it work in making beautiful, delicious cookies.
I started blogging in February of 2008......just to keep a "journal" of my adventures.
And the rest is history....
Now I decorate cookies on a regular basis......always upping "my game" and
working to make my cookies the best they can be.
And I enjoy sharing what I've learned with all of you and helping others to discover this incredibly fun
and rewarding hobby can truly make a difference in the world.

Side Tracked.....Life's Changes

Here's my family.....

Photos by Joseph Allen Photography

Why I Blog
Making a Difference